Buffy is a tan (buff-colored), female Cocker Spaniel, who was born on February 22, 2009. Buffy was my mom’s last puppy and she had great difficulty house breaking her. However, when she came to live with me, she was miraculously cured of spraying and has not had an accident since (knock on wood – but it has been over a year).
Mom was suffering from memory issues in her last year, and she frequently over fed her dogs. Buffy looked like a stuffed pig when I got her – a 7 out of 8 on the obesity scale. She weighed forty pounds- now she’s at 28, and probably should be 26 pounds.
Buffy is a ball dog. She especially loves the squeaky tennis balls. I enjoy playing baseball with her in the yard, especially since my other two dogs do not like to play ball. She has become a canine good citizen and has recently learned to swim.